Wednesday, November 2, 2011

configuring Belkin f7d1101 wifi dongle on Ubuntu 11.10

I wanted a wifi dongle to get connected to my home network. I bought Belkin f7d1101 with lot of apprehension on how to get it configured. I just thought I would be able figure my way around with the help of the community. But all that thinking was unnecessary.

I got the dongle today, I plugged it in and nothing seemed to be happening. But then I went into the networking and see the list of wifi networks. I clicked mine and it asked for password. I entered the password and I got connected. Breeze. AMAZING.............. no setup needed!!!

I can even create a wifi hotspot by putting a name & password. I remember spending at least a couple of hours searching and trying different things to create a wifi hotspot in Windows. Thanks Ubundu.

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